Sunday, April 18, 2010

I was scheduled to be induced at 5 Friday morning but started natural labor contractions at 2:30 am. I got the epidural at 5 and it was smooth sailing from there. Anesthesiologist was quite funny and good at keeping your mind off things. He explained a lot about how the epidural worked.
You know in movies when they say “don’t push...I want to push…No no don’t push it’s not time yet” well, I now know how that feels. Toward the end I stopped waiting for them to tell me when I could push and I would just do it when I could feel the pressure. The Doctor tried to rotate her because she was facing up and it was making it more difficult and painful but Eve was having nothing of it and put herself right back the way she was.
In all it took 45 mins to push and 7hrs and 45 mins of labor. With Samuel and Ethan I didn’t get to hold them till have they had cleaned them up and got their weight but after Ian cut the umbilical cord they put Eve, after birth, purple and all on my belly, it was really cool!

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